Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Baby Dancing Inside Mom’s Belly Caught On Tape And It’s Amazingly Freaky

Being pregnant itself gives a lot of happiness to every mother, but it adds an amazing feeling, that feeling of excitement and wonder, when a baby moves inside the belly for the first time.
You have probably seen a lot of videos of babies moving inside a mother’s belly, but this footage is somehow both mind-boggling and freaky at the same time. Amazing as it is, I haven’t seen a tummy move this much, looked like the baby was going to burst out, just like the scene from the movie “Alien.”
A pregnant woman lies on the couch while her husband records the incredible movement of the baby.
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Babies moving inside a mother’s belly is usually totally normal but this one move that much.
baby moving inside belly 2
Watch the breath-taking footage:
H/T: SF Globe

What others are reading: Twin Babies Think They Are Still in The Womb
According to WebMD, the baby’s first movements, called “quickening,” is felt between 16 to 25 weeks of pregnancy, and during the third trimester the baby may move as much as about 30 times each hour. Yes, that’s a lot of movement, but it’s probably not that freaky just like we see from this video. Even the most experienced mothers out there will be amazed by such stunning scene.
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Related : Baby Dancing Inside Mom’s Belly Caught On Tape And It’s Amazingly Freaky